Making Up for Lost Time
Microsoft (Throw it Out One of the) Windows
At risk of sounding like a techno-geek, a small network has existed in our home for about a year and a half. That is, one internet connection and two computers (a desktop and a laptop) require some cool technology that allow them to share the likes of internet connections, files, and printers. Haven't ever really had any issues--I got it set up and it's been more-or-less trouble-free since. The laptop is normally connected wirelessly, but last week, I sat down beside the connection and actually plugged it in using an ethernet cable. Nothing. "A cable is unplugged," it told me. No, it isn't. The wireless still worked (which defies all logic--usually the hard-wired version works, and wireless screws up), and I discovered that I hadn't done any Windows updates in quite some time. So I did them (including XP Service Pack 2). Guess which ones worked AFTER the updates? NEITHER!!! So I took the laptop to work and plugged into the network there. Still nothing. So I decided to undo all those necessary changes and go back (hopefully) to where I started. Whew!! So now, I'm just wireless with the laptop, and it bugs the crap out of me as to why I can't actually plug into a connection somwhere. The jury is still out, but I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
TB Scare
My brother is flying into Memphis on Saturday, to spend a week with Mom, celebrate his birthday, and probably realize all over again why he left in the first place. The trip was actually orchestrated by our step-brother Tony, who is currently in the U.S. Army, serving in Iraq (more on that later), and is coming home for a 15-day leave. Brad calls me last week and says, "I REALLY need to talk to Mom--do you know where she is? I really need to talk to her.......I might have a small problem." Uh oh. A million things went through my head, and I had no idea what kind of thing I would hear from him or Mom (whoever gave up the info first). As it turns out, one of Brad's coworkers had just found out that her sister has tuberculosis. This meant that the co-worker was exposed to it, and if she had a positive test, then all of Brad's office was exposed, and thus they would have to be tested. If Brad did in fact have it, then he'd have to be quarantined for 2 weeks and thus unable to make the trip. Basically, he was just giving us a "heads up" so that he wouldn't look like some lame, inconsiderate fool by cancelling his trip at the last minute. Turns out, the coworker's test was negative, so everybody was in the clear.
Victim of the Infomercial
A short time ago, Leah and I became perplexed by an infomercial. We were quite familiar with the basic product, but had never seen the feature-ridden variation that they were presenting. Supposedly, it's been sold for many years at fairs and trade shows, but I don't think I've ever run across it (and an off-brand one is sold at Home Depot). I thought it was pretty cool, and then, unsolicited, Leah says, "I think we should order that--I'd feel better with you using that."
The product: The Little Giant Ladder. Basically, it's an adjustable stepladder, A-frame ladder, extension ladder, and everything in-between. It can be used on stairs, and can be put at a 90 degree angle (to get closer to a wall, for example). It even separates into to "sawhorse" type things that can be used to make a scaffold (with their platform or a 2 x 12). Heck, when I first moved into my house, I had to buy a 7 or 8 foot ladder because our living room and master bedroom have 14 ft ceilings. And plant ledges. When it comes time to hang Christmas lights, I have to find and borrow an extension ladder that is usually pretty worn, and deal with the hassle of getting it transported to and from its location.
Anyway, we haven't ordered it yet, but probably will soon. It looks like it'll pretty much take care of every possible ladder-based need for the rest of my life. And when the spouse gives you license to spend money on a cool new Tim Allen-type toy, you gotta take it.
A Flash in the Pan
Anybody else ever watch, and enjoy, the T.V. show Ed? It used to be an NBC show, and I never really watched it religously........But when I did watch it, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't really know how to describe it--the writing was hilarious, the small-town feel of fictitious Stuckeyville, OH was sure to connect with folks, and the characters just seemed so "regular." Not to mention, Julie Bowen was absolutely adorable as Carol Vessey. Anyway, my friend Robert told me that TBS was playing it everyday at 11:00AM--it just started in January. I figured, heck, 4 seasons worth.....that's a great opportunity for my TiVo to work its magic and I can catch all the episodes that I didn't get to watch once a week from 2000-2004. So I've been enjoying it for about 3 weeks. Until some brain-dead person at TBS sold his soul to the devil, and the network has, effective tomorrow, yanked Ed and Carol and Molly and Warren Cheswick, for Becker. Becker?! Are you kidding me?! Maybe there's a reason, but I really, really enjoyed that show. Oh well, my only hope now is another network for syndication or the now-famous Complete Season X on DVD. Neither of which is on the horizon, I believe.
I Love My Big Brother
Speaking of television, CBS's Big Brother 6 gets started next week, and I can hardly wait. To me, this is the most realistic reality show possible. Let's face it, as much as I love Survivor (and I do!), it's pretty much the camping trip from hell. But everyone can identify--going on a church or school retreat, having a roommate in college, etc.--no matter how much you liked them, the practical side of living with them for whatever period of time no doubt changed how you felt about them (good or bad). I actually didn't start watching BB until last season....for some reason, I never really found the motive (or the friends/co-workers urging me) to watch it until I started tuning in last year. And I think it's cool that it's going on NOW and some stuff is LIVE--no Survivor-esque feelings that it happened 4 months ago and the finalists have already been determined (just sworn to secrecy). I hate that I missed the season where the exes were brought in as a surprise--I can only imagine how that went over. Something akin to a Baby Ruth in a swimming pool. I doubt that I will have the time, patience, or resources to offer detailed synopses here like Jeff did on the Amazing Race, but if you're into Big Brother, I'm sure I'll be posting on it and you can feel free to comment.
I wonder what happened to Drew and Diane (she was a cutie). And if I never hear or see that Holly bimbo again, I'll be happy.
Big Brother VI - Tuesdays (9:00P), Thursdays (8:00P), and Saturdays (8:00P). EDT.