Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Kick Someone's BUTT

What's up with smokers? Their motto should be "The world is our ashtray." Coming back from lunch today, I spotted 2 different drivers finish their Brand Smooth Ultra Light Turkish Jade Low Tar 100's Menthol and proceed to drop it into the street. Now, help me understand the logic. Why do you not want to deposit this into a receptacle (an ashtray, perhaps?!) in your vehicle? Too dirty? Too smelly? Afraid your 4-year old might go digging in it? Oh, I see. Most cars come with ashtrays (I got one that GM charged me $30 for, and I don't even use it), unless you buy the new "smoke free" models--and I'm SURE no smoker would do that. I've even seen a pile of ashes and butts in the Kroger parking lot--apparently the smoker couldn't either walk to one of the 16 trashcans on the property or wait until they got home to empty their ashtray. I just don't get it. Maybe that nicotine erases some logic and consideration. I'm not saying that there aren't non-smokers who litter, but this is such a commonly observed phenomenon, I thought I'd bring it up. But I guess they DO have logic occasionally.....I'm sure they refrain from this behavior while pumping gas.


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