Monday, October 04, 2004

Tennessee Specialty Plates - THEY-R-PC

Doesn't political correctness just kill you (see also: Liberals Gone Wild below)?? Most drivers (and passengers for that matter) are familiar with the numerous specialty plates available in Tennessee.....Drivers drop another 35 bucks/year to show their loyalty & support on their automotive rear-end, and in return, organizations from Universities to sports teams to Arts councils to humane societies get support cash.

How does this process happen? Well, the organization must get 1,000 pre-paid orders together and submit it to the state--that's $35,000 (if you wanna see my work, like that annoying Mrs. Jennings in 10th grade Algebra II, that would be 1,000 x $35 = $35,000). The Titans have done it. The Grizzlies are trying to do it. And now the "Choose Life" anti-abortion people have done it. So what did the pro-choice folks do?

What liberals always do.....rally support and get their own tag, right? No way! They go crying to the court, crying bloody murder (no pun intended) and saying it's unconstitutional!! U.S. District Judge Todd Campbell deemed it "viewpoint discrimination." Puuhhlease. The pro-lifers followed the process and dropped $35000 cash for their beliefs--now why can't the pro-choice folks do the same? All the legal professors, analysts, etc. have said what a fine line this is, and how a Titans or Humane Society plate is fine, but a "Pro-Life" one shouldn't be. "What if the Nazis or KKK were to submit an application?", they say--obviously we need to re-think the law and make more specific rules.

Hogwash. Freedom of speech has its limits.......If the Dept of Safety can tell me that something like "UP YOURS" or "YOU SUCK" is an unacceptable vanity plate (even though I'm offering to pay $35 for it), then why can't thy deny an organization's application for their own plate? If the pro-life people get their plate--fine; that just assures the pro-choice people that they can have theirs (if they come up with 1000 people interested enough in their cause).

Hey, maybe some Peyton Manning/Indianapolis Colts fans could sue and stop the Titans plate!!


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