Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Governor's Balls . . . and Sauna, and Windows, and Bathtub

So the Governor and his wife, who have never lived in the Executive mansion, are auctioning off several items that are getting the decorative axe over at, a site that I had never really heard of. Personally, I was eyeing the set of pool balls, as our new house will have a bonus room that has been promised to me as Testosterone Kingdom (and I've already been pricing pool tables). I just thought that 1) I'd need an accessory set like this anyway, and 2) It'd be cool to say something like, "By the way, that rack of balls you're setting up used to be in the Governor's mansion. Seriously. No, really."

With stuff like this, there's always this self-imposed stupid line that you don't really wanna cross. I mean, no matter how cool it'd be, that would be directly cancelled out by having to admit you paid an insane amount of money for something you could've gotten for $25 at Wal-Mart. Wow, my pool balls are up to like 85 bucks as of this writing....I guess I'm gonna have to pass. There's always former Gov. Ned McWherter's jacuzzi tub. . . .


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