Just Call Me Larry Bird
- Julia Stiles, who turns 25
- Memphis' own Elliot Perry, who is 37
- Reba McEntire, who turns 51,
- my favorite TV housekeeper, Conchata Ferrell of Two and a Half Men, who is 63
And yours truly, who was born in the wee hours of the morning (14 minutes past midnight, if I'm not mistaken) on that fateful Wednesday 33 years ago, at the now-it's-a-pile-of-rubble Baptist Hospital on Union. Wow, my life has changed quite a bit since my last birthday. Last year, Leah was about 2 or 3 weeks pregnant, and we didn't even know it. Wow--an extra bedroom in our house is now a nursery, and 8-10 hours of sleep per night is now sometimes divided up into 2 distinct segments. Morning TV has gone from SportsCenter and ESPNews to Blue's Clues and Max & Ruby on Noggin (channel 298 on your a.m. DirecTV dial). Heck, I didn't even know there was a channel called Noggin.
Anyway, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I've got great friends, a wonderful family, an awesome church......So much to be grateful for!
Happy Birthday Cous.
33, huh?
You're old.
Happy birthday dude. At least you get to watch Blues Clues instead of that satanic Wiggles program. And Lord help the poor guy stuck watching teletubbies. :)
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