Thursday, May 19, 2005

A 3 Hour Tour

So my appointment was set: 9:40AM on Tuesday was the day to go back with my blood pressure "homework" in hand, and let the doctor tell me how disappointed she was in my family history and give me something to fix it. Didn't think it would take that long--relatively early appointment, not much to say, somewhat empty waiting area. Write me a prescription, and I'm outta there. Yeah, right. Hang on to that dream, dude.

I get there a bit early--around 9:15ish. I'm not trying to get ahead of the 9:20 appointment or anything, but I figured it can't hurt. I sit down and look at a really old magazine (surprise, surprise), and after awhile I notice it's been 45 minutes, and then an hour. Nothing. Are you kidding me? Then, I hear it. "Eric Russell." Some little curly-haired chickadee sabotoged my chart by taking my blood pressure, and I'm convinced she didn't know what she was doing. I've been recording my own for about 2 weeks, and the average was about 145/106 or something around that. You know what she gets? Try 163/120. Of course, that's what she writes down. "How tall are you?" Heck, I don't know! I hope this girl doesn't ever wait on our newborn, cause she'll never get an answer.

After that, it was, "Well, we don't have any rooms right now, so go back to the waiting area, and we'll call you." Uh oh, that can't be good. Finally, at 11:00--ELEVEN O'CLOCK--I get called back. Of course, then I'm sitting in that room aging some more for about 35 minutes before Dr. Slowpoke comes in (says, "Thanks for your patience" if!), asks me about my family history, how much salt I use, if I drink a lot of coffee/coke, and then gives me some drugs.

All in all--I was out of there by about 12:15 or so. I know that doctor's offices aren't exactly the efficiency capital of the world, but that was a little ridiculous. I was very close to walking up the counter and saying, "May I please have my co-pay check back? This is uncalled for." But I didn't. Does anyone ever complain at the doctor's office? You know, like you do at Olive Garden? One more episode like that, and I'm outta there. The only thing that kept me in a good mood was my afternoon golf opportunity.


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