Saturday, May 07, 2005

Don't Bet On It

Well, the 131st running of the Kentucky Derby is in the books. Of course, I'm not really into horse racing, but having a dad & step-mom that lives in Louisville (only a few miles from Churchill Downs, actually) certainly adds to the information availability and somewhat curiosity. Often there is so much stuff going on in and around Louisville--the event is actually a 2-week festival that culminates with the race--it's hard to not wish you were there to witness it. It seems like every year, I say to myself, "Self, at least one time, I'd like to go--just to experience it."

So here's why I'm not a betting man. Sure, there are favorites that win. That's true in any sport. Today's winner, Giacomo, was at 50-1 odds. In other words, if you walked up the window and said, "I'd like to bet 50 bucks on Giacomo, the teller would probably ask you 3 times if you were sure, and then hand you a card for her favorite psychiatrist. But alas, the super-underdog won. I stumbled across's Derby anaylsis page, and you wanna know what they had to say in their little blurb about this horse?

It's hard to imagine why he's in the race, except that his owners clearly have a case of Derby Fever.

"...hard to imagine why he's in the race." How about 1,639,600 clams? Good enough reason for me.


Blogger Jeff said...

Unbelievable, one trifecta ticket paid out like 200 grand. Better the only superfecta ticket (top four in order) paid out over 800 thousand smackers!

6:34 PM  

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