Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Drug Rehab

I had this very mild headache most of yesterday, and woke up with it this morning. I'm wondering if it is a side-effect of my withdrawal of that common drug--caffeine.

Leah has begun drinking decaf tea because of her pregnancy. Until a few days ago, I still made regular (i.e., caffeinated) tea for me and a decaf batch for her. As all loyal Front Porch readers know, I am currently tracking my blood pressure. I got up Monday morning, having not had any caffeine in 12 hours or so, and my blood pressure reading was 5-10 points lower than it had been. Off the cuff, Leah said, "I wonder if it would do you any good to chill out on the caffeine."

A quick internet search does lend a bit of credibility to her suggestion. Apparently if you have normal blood pressure, caffeine doesn't really do anything. That is, it might cause it to briefly spike after having it, but it doesn't really push you into hypertension or anything. However, studies show that people with high-normal or moderately high blood pressure do tend to react more to caffeine. Of course, this morning's reading was a bit higher than yesterday's, but that might be because Leah was trying my patience. : ) Just kidding.

So, no caffeine since about 6:00 Monday night, and I get a headache yesterday. I guess I'll try to prove my hypothesis by drinking a Dr. Pepper. I suppose that going from 4-5 glasses of fegular tea per day to ZERO caffeine might be throwing myself into shock of some sort. It's all about moderation, I guess. Time will tell.


Blogger Jeff said...

I get headaches if I don't drink caffeine for a day, too, but my blood pressure is normal (or was at my last checkup). So what to do? Why, drink 20 ounces of Diet Coke, of course! But not with splenda. That was nasty.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Scott Rushing said...

Splenda is not nasty! I guess you will have to bring your own drinks with you to Waco then, because we make our tea decaf, and with splenda.

Several times this semester I have drunk a Dr. Pepper during class, and gotten a headache after drinking it. I have wondered if drinking caffeine after trying to quit is giving me headaches.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Scott Rushing said...

And remember, people in Texas are serious about their Dr. Pepper. With the museum being right down the street from campus, and it being invented here and all. People who try to quit drinking Dr. Pepper are given strange looks and they mutter about your behind your back. Then they take away your children. Truly a frightening situation.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Eric C said...

I'd have to agree with Jeff here--Splenda is disgusting! Leah's parents make tea with Splenda, and it's the most funny tasting, aftertaste-having, poorest excuse for a southern glass of tea that I've ever encountered. Period. End of discussion.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, splenda is nasty IN TEA ONLY but it is good in other things. Just wanted to give you a piece of advice, high blood pressure can cause headaches!!!!!


12:52 PM  

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