Monday, March 14, 2005

THAT Liberal Media

You know what I love? When the liberal, politically correct media has to face things like faith and Christianity and thus are forced to blatantly squirm, ignore, and move past the issue as tactfully as possible.

Case in point: This thug in Atlanta essentially takes a hostage, but allows her to retrieve two books from her room: the Bible, and Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life. Now, when we have some Islamic militant hijacking a plane or bus, we hear exactly what chapter, verse, & page number was being quoted (and might even get it printed on screen!), and then we get a 2-minute featurette on Muslim practice (oh, and did we mention how bad Muslims are persecuted?). But people like Matt Lauer (e.g., this morning on The Today Show) are clearly uncomfortable with the subject matter, often interrupting the interviewee and instead of asking about the passages, it becomes something along the lines of "That's nice, Ms. Smith, but weren't you scared? Did you feel like you were gonna die?" Then, when she reiterates that her faith sustained her, we are again at a subject-changing transition.

Let's take a quick look at the headlines right this minute of the major news organizations: Prosecutor: Nichols 'defiant' and 'proud' A Mom's Plea God Brought Him to My Door

Now, I'm not expecting Matt and Katie to rival Jim and Tammy Faye Baker in their religious soliloquies, but would it hurt them to quit leaning so much to the left, and maybe come back a little toward the MIDDLE? Probably so.


Blogger Scott Rushing said...

What? 24 hours and Jeff hasn't posted an opinion? Holy cow...I'm sure he has an opinion on this...he must not have read this yet.

You're surely right, most members of the media that have no faith whatsoever are extremely nervous about talking about faith. Mostly because they don't believe there is a reality behind a person's faith. So when a person thanks God for getting them through something, media members might as well have heard the person thank their cat, or Shakespeare, or whatever, for their courage. To nonbelievers religion is nothing but theological word games that mean absolutely nothing.

3:55 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Actually I have to disagree, at least on our end. For instance, on our 9p show Monday night we had a three minute package on Ashley Smith's faith and the Purpose-Driven Life, and CNN has shown the same piece. So I can't speak for CBSABCNBC, but CNN didn't shy away from Ashley's faith.

Have I mentioned that I love her? Seriously.

6:12 PM  

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