Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Getting a Stranger in the Sack

So a guy's dad passes away, and funeral home forwards a bag from the hospital, presumably pop's personal belongings--wallet, keys, spare change, pocket knife, etc. Not quite.

Smelling an odor that no doubt reaked worse that a week-old bologna sandwich in July, it turns out that it's a human limb. Thinking it might be dad's arm (part of it was apparently amputated during the illness), the son is somewhat optimistic that there's a perfectly logical explanation for this bizarre occurrence. No such luck.....It's actually a portion of a human leg, complete with a toe tag.

The funeral home insists it ain't their fault, because they don't open the bags of personal belongings. I bet that counseling to overcome this traumatic experience will cost him........(you can see this coming, can't you)........an arm and, well, never mind.


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