Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Walking Down the Aisle of Memory Lane

Driving to work today (which involves a 1 mile stretch of Germantown Parkway, one of the busiest thoroughfares in Memphis), I noticed a billboard for the upcoming "Bridal Rhapsody Extravanganza" on January 9th. Big deal, you say.

This time 3 years ago, I had paid off a 60-day layaway of Leah's engagement ring and was preparing to pop the question. On January 4, 2002 (which was a Friday), said question was popped. Part of her engagement ring scavenger hunt was a basket that contained a few items, one which was tickets for this bridal show 2 days later. The downside was that every vendor there had standard questions such as, "When is your date?" and "Who is doing your ______ (flowers, hair, catering, garbage cleanup, etc)," to which we politely had to reply, "We don't know! We've only been engaged 36 hours!!!"

I don't know that we actually found any service providers there, that day, at that show. Wait, yes we did. We sampled a bite of cake from the lady who we eventually tracked down to do ours. Point being....we had an absolute blast that day. From caterers to formalwear to cruises to DJ's, it was all there, and it was a fitting beginning to 10-month ride of a lifetime.

Leah, my dear......I would give anything I own to live 2002 over again. But we'll always have the memories. Our journey as husband and wife began with the first clue of your scavenger hunt at the Pizza Hut in Bartlett, and ended with us touching down at Memphis International, returning from San Juan and an awesome cruise to such places as Barbados and Aruba. And let us not forget your Dad taking part in doing the "YMCA" at the reception.

Thank you Dennis Zanone, Rockin' Robin, Peggy Montgomery, Regis, Chrissy at Men's Warehouse, Elaine @ Executive Chef, Appling Manor, the crew of the Carnival Destiny, and most of all, our parents.....For giving us an experience that we'll remember and cherish until we take our last breath. And Leah, I love you!


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