Monday, November 29, 2004

AOL: What a R-I-P

You know what I find absolutely hilarious? America Online is running these TV ads talking up their "free" anti-virus software as a benefit for members. Now, viruses are a problem--no doubt about it. But come on.....Don't act as if you and your executive team are sitting around, thinking about what an incredible value your service is and how you can further increase members' benefits. You've got the most expensive ISP on the market, and you seem to increase rates with certain regularity ($19.95 to $21.95 to $23.90) the fact that you're throwing some crumbs to your 12 bazillion members isn't that big of a deal to me. IMHO, you're just trying to rationalize your $300/yr fee for your "Internet Surfing and Email for Dummies" cartoon interface.


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