Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (decorations)

Wow, has it really been over a week since I've blogged? Geesh! May I first offer my apologies to all my loyal blog readers (both of you), for I have let you down in this time of giving!!

Well, after coming home from a Christmas shopping trip last weekend, Leah and I noticed that a snowman decoration that hung over the mailbox, with several long streamer-type things that blew in the wind, had been stolen. Now, it probably cost me less than 10 bucks. But what kind of freak cruises my street, either on purpose or accidentally, and scopes out desirable and easily accessible Christmas decorations?!?! I'm really not gonna invoke some sort of "May you burn in hell" type of attitude, but I sure hope that the lies that have to get crafted (where it came from, why it's faded a little bit, etc) come back to haunt them. Maybe he/she needs to find the Christ in Christmas, who knows.


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