Thursday, August 18, 2005

Screwed U.P.

I am now a victim. I have recently stood on the sideline and watched that horrible process happen to other people (my mom, for one), but all along I knew that my day was coming. I really didn't worry about it too much, but as the day approached, I kinda wondered what the future held for me after it all happened. Of course, I'm talking about . . . bank mergers.

Recently, it was SunTrust gobbling up the NBC signs. No worries--I don't have a dog in that fight, as they say. But alas, the cows have come home to roost. My banking relationship of 8 years, Union Planters, entered that goofy "brand new but still the same" world of Regions. Last Friday was the official day of the new company.

Until then, about the only thing that had impacted us was new CheckCards in the mail. We were a little bit disappointed, because the old U.P. ones were very slick (figuratively, not literally) and cool looking. The new Regions ones are gray and boring; very normal. But alas, the merger hit me square between the eyes this weekend.

I must confess--I NEVER open a bank statement. I just sign on the website, checkbook in hand, and mark of the things that have cleared. Occasionally there will be a missing gas or ATM receipt, but we're pretty good at record-keeping. The cutoff date for online access at Union Planters was last Thursday. The first day to get onto Regions' site was Monday. In between, we had SOME idea what was going on, but not much. And here's the kicker--I hadn't marked off things in the checkbook for a week or two, and Regions imported BALANCES, but not history. So when I finally got my updated balance on Monday via, I had no earthly idea what had cleared and what hadn't. Oops...Look there in the fine print of the "Welcome to Regions" transition guide that they sent: "History will not be transferred; we recommend that this be done prior to August 11th." Well, darn. I didn't.

Wednesday, the unthinkable happened. I got an abbreviated statement in the mail from Union Planters, with a cutoff date of last Friday. I guess I had to open the envelope--so THAT'S what they look like!!


Blogger Jeff said...

I like to pretend that if I don't look at the paper statement and only the computer then it's like a video game where I'm spending free money.

7:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I am going throught the same thing and I have to tell you I have used UP forever and I do the same as you and use the website. Now being that I do the banking at work I knew about the regions online banking. BUT I have to tell you that I absolutely HATE IT! I am seriously thinking about changing banks now. You know how when it was just UP you could click on your account and then click on todays activity, well it was just really user friendly. Well that was a feature that I used ALL the time and lovely REGIONS doesnt have it!

10:55 AM  

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